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Trainz Railroad Simulator 2004 (known as Trainz Railway Simulator 2004 in the United Kingdom), or TRS2004, was released in September 2003. This was the first edition to include the formerly separately retailed PaintShed program and support RailDriver,  as well as the first incorporating Trainz user developed freeware content as part of the release, some of which became Trainz staple content in TRS2004 et al. The Ultimate Trainz Collection, or UTC, was released on 26 November 2002 in North American as a 3-CD set including extra rolling stock, and a CD-ROM with TrainzScript-based scenarios and route map content based on Trainz 1.3 tech. Thus all USA versions are commonly known as Trainz 1.3. Trainz Retail Edition was released in June 2002 aimed at the United States and other North American markets. Service pack 3 was released in November 2002, this updated both the Community and Retail Editions to version 1.3. (Box, which included Gmax as an accessory is shown at right in lower left corner.) Two retail builds (retail versions releases) existed the English/USA version is commonly known as Trainz 1.0. Trainz Community Edition was released in December 2001. Service packs 1 (April), 2 (June) and 3 (November) were each released in 2002, these progressively updated the Community Edition, Trainz 1.0 to versions 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 successively. Any train can be given directions to be driven by the computer. In CAB (cabin) mode the train physics are more sophisticated than in DCC mode adding real-life considerations such as wheel slip on the rails how the weight of the consist slows acceleration and deceleration.


The user then operates the trains in Driver, either in free play, or according to a scenario called a Driver Session which can range in difficulty from beginner to expert. A measure of the product's comprehensive nature might be the fact that one of the provided third-party object sets is a mix of wooden toy trains, track and decorations, much like the Brio or Thomas the Tank Engine sets popular with young children.In the route editor, Surveyor, the user can shape the landscape, paint with ground textures, lay tracks, and place buildings and roads. Maps can be set-up in the various model scales (HO, N, etc.). It has a platform feel and indeed could be used as a planning tool for a home set-up. The Surveyor tool is one of the best - if not the best - map/scenario editor yet seen. Trainz 2004 might easily be regarded as a double simulation, of both the real world of train driving and the miniature world of model train layouts. In either mode, not all driving need be done from in the cab the keyboard can be used for control from the outside views. This is a much more involved way of driving the trains, especially for the tricky and temperamental steam engines. Cab mode gives you direct mouse-click 3D interactive control over the very levers and switches that control the meticulously reproduced virtual locomotives. Two modes of control are available, the Digital Command Control (DCC) presents an easy-to-use HUD-style interface much like the controls of a miniature model train set, with a simple dial for forward and back throttle control. The main menu now offers the Driver and Scenarios choices for train play, Surveyor for scenario creation, the Railyard for viewing your collection of cars and locomotives and the Trainz Exchange, a direct link to online resources. It's all fine and dandy and looks nice enough, but really, are you going to buy it? Thought not.


Controls areĮither simplistic (twiddle the knob to go forward or back), or nod towards proper simulation by letting you sit in the cabs and pull the various levers.Īlternatively, if you're power-crazy you can go all managerial and assign remote drivers to different tasks - yes, the time has finally come to fulfil those long-held dreams of being a railway supervisor. You drive trains, all manner of the buggers, around pre-built tracks - or build your own layouts and create your own worlds of make-believe. Trainz 2004 takes that much-loved boyhood/middle-aged pastime of building a model railway in your attic and crams it kicking and screaming into your CPUs. Seriously, is there any non-computerised hobby left to us that hasn't been digitised, virtualityarised and interactivated? (Stop makinguperising words Presley - Ed). What's left then? Virtual Kite Flying? Interactive Frisbee Simulator? No, got it - Hill Walking 2004: The Dales.

Steam trainz download station